How we can help
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 16:00
Late night opening on Wednesdays until 20:00
We also provide support by phone and online. For assistance, please call us on 020 8321 6300 or email
Thanks to the ongoing funding from Hounslow Council, we are also able to extend some of our services to anyone who has a chronic illness and requires end of life care, anyone supporting someone who is receiving end of life care and those bereaved by any illness other than cancer. To access this extended support, you must live or work in Hounslow or have been a recent inpatient at West Middlesex University Hospital.
Our Impact: 2023 – 2024
welcome sessions, emotional, financial & other support
one-to-one counselling & coaching sessions
support groups
one-to-one complementary therapy sessions
wellbeing classes
social & creative activities
Our Values
Support us
Together we make all the difference
The Mulberry Centre is an independent charity and receives limited government funding. We depend on gifts from individuals, charitable trusts and foundations, and companies to continue to operate. In order to keep our doors open we need support from you!
You can make a difference by spreading the word, fundraising, volunteering, giving a regular gift or making a one off donation. We love to work in partnership with local and national organisations; many of those are already working with us find we benefit their organisation as well as help people affected by cancer.
Fundraise for us
All our services are offered free of charge. The support we are able to provide is dependent on donations and fundraising.
Ways to give
The Mulberry Centre is a registered cancer support charity and the majority of our funding comes from charitable donations. The generosity of our supporters is vital.
In Memory
All our services are offered free of charge. The support we are able to provide is dependent on donations and fundraising.