Volunteers are an essential part of our team!
A volunteer is “an individual who gives their time freely, by choice, unpaid, to undertake an activity for the benefit of the community/society or environment”.
Volunteers support every aspect of our work and are crucial to almost everything we do at The Mulberry Centre! We are a friendly team and rely on the variety and diversity that our volunteers bring. Their generosity and commitment to donating their time and skills helps people as they deal with the impact of cancer on their lives.
Join our volunteer team and meet new, amazing people and get a buzz knowing you are making a difference. You will be a much-valued part of our team, have fun, and will make new friends.
The Mulberry Centre recognises the important contribution that volunteers make to the Centre and is committed to providing a supportive environment and delivering training relevant to the roles undertaken.
Each year we undertake a survey to obtain feedback from our volunteers, evaluate the findings and take on board any concerns or ideas. The results of the 2024 survey can be read here.
There are many ways you can get involved as a volunteer at The Mulberry Centre, whether it’s helping or providing services at the Centre, being involved in the community, or organising one of our events.
The Benefits of Volunteering – If you haven’t volunteered before or you want to try a new volunteering role, there are many benefits you may not have considered before:
- We have a variety of roles to choose from where you can learn new skills or practice existing skills.
- You will receive on-going training and feel supported in your role.
- You’ll gain experience to add to your CV and gain confidence.
- You’ll meet new people and maybe make new friends, whilst you’re contributing to your local community.
- Our volunteers feel more connected and less socially isolated and as a result improve their mental and physical health, and sense of wellbeing.
- You will know that you’re making a positive difference to peoples’ lives.
- Hours can be flexible or provide a routine, depending on the role.
- It can be something enjoyable and fun! Plus, it shouldn’t cost you money, travel expenses are all reimbursed.
Volunteer roles available
There are many ways you can get involved as a volunteer at The Mulberry Centre, whether it is at the Centre or getting involved in outreach or events in the community. Volunteers are a hugely important part of our team. We have Welcomers who meet and greet people as they come into the Centre, and volunteers who provide a range of services including: counselling, complementary therapies, workshops, and well-being classes. In addition, we have volunteers in roles supporting our Centre with office administration, fundraising, general maintenance, and gardening as well as roles out in the local community such as outreach and community engagement, and ad-hoc helpers at events.
To view our current vacancies click here: Volunteer Vacancies – The Mulberry Centre
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It is very fulfilling to give back!

“I love looking after the garden at TMC and seeing how much the clients enjoy it…”

“I have learnt so much, while helping others…”

“I enjoy greeting clients to the Centre and making them feel welcomed!..”
We have a team of counsellors and two life coaches, offering one-to-one and group support counselling to cancer patients, their carers and the bereaved. To apply for a volunteer counselling role you must be at least in the second year of a BACP accredited course or similar, have minimum 60 client hours experience, personal professional indemnity insurance and a current DBS certificate. We offer ongoing professional development as well as in-house group supervision.
Complementary Therapist
Our team of volunteer complementary therapists offer therapies and remote sessions where possible to all our clients. If you would like to volunteer as a therapist, you must hold a recognised Level 3 diploma qualification, have your own personal insurance and be registered with the CNHC. You also need to have at least one year’s experience post qualification. We offer the following therapies: aromatherapy, acupuncture, EFT, massage, relaxation techniques, reflexology, reiki and shiatsu.
A friendly face to greet someone as they enter The Mulberry Centre for the first time can really make a difference for someone who is unsure about coming to us for support. Our Welcomers are crucially important in being the first people visitors meet on coming to the Centre. This is an ideal role for warm, friendly, empathetic people with excellent communication skills who enjoy working as part of a team in a dynamic and varied environment and can also support the Centre by carrying out housekeeping tasks.
Fundraising & Communications
Our Fundraising & Engagement volunteers support the Centre with various tasks from desk research, to assist with trusts and foundation funding opportunities, to researching and documenting information and producing shortlists of potential funders and their application deadlines and drafting funding proposals. These group of volunteers also help raise awareness by designing, checking or updating our promotional materials or by leafleting, outreach, running information stalls or attending events to increase our profile and outreach.
Support Roles
We have a wide range of volunteer support roles and these are listed below.
- Admin support
- Fundraising and associated events
- Collection can co-ordinator
- Gardeners, handyperson/DIY
- Community outreach at agreed venues
- Community engagement
- Have a specific skill to offer on an ad-hoc basis? – Photographer, baker, musician, etc
- Helping Hands – would you like to support the Centre but can’t make a regular commitment? Whether you can spare 20 minutes, an evening or a whole day we may need you to help out ad-hoc at events!