Non-cancer, End of Life Care and Bereavement Support
Funded by
Who can access this service?
Anyone receiving end of life care.
Anyone supporting someone receiving care during their last phase of life.
Anyone who has been bereaved for any reason.
A person is deemed to be receiving end of life care if their life expectancy is less than 12 months.
To be eligible for this free service, you must either live or work in Houslow, or have been a recent inpatient at the West Middlesex Hospital. A person supporting an end of life patient must either live or work in Hounslow or care for a patient who qualifies for our services.
What support is available?
Our non-cancer End of Life care and bereavement support service includes access to:
- One-to-one counselling
- Support groups
- Wellbeing classes (e.g. yoga, tai chi, meditation)
- Social and creative activities
- Drop in / in the moment emotional support
- Informative workshops