The Mulberry Centre Policies

Safeguarding Policy for Adults

The Mulberry Centre, (the Centre) will not tolerate the abuse of adults in any of its forms and is committed to safeguarding adults with care and support needs from harm.

Safeguarding Policy for Children and Young People

The Mulberry Centre (the Centre) will not tolerate the abuse of children or young people in any of its forms and is committed to safeguarding children and young people with care and support needs from harm.

Complaints Policy

The Mulberry Centre recognises that concerns and complaints can play a key role in enabling the improvement of services...

Equal Opportunities and Anti Discrimination Policy

The Mulberry Centre is committed to an environment where all staff, clients and volunteers enjoy equal opportunity.

Privacy Statement

The Mulberry Centre (“we”) promises to respect any personal data you share with us, or that we get from other organisations and keep it safe.

Fundraising Policy

The Mulberry Centre fundraises to deliver its charitable activities of providing support for anyone affected by cancer.

Our Policies

A clear, appropriate and coherent set of policies and procedures help ensure that The Mulberry Centre is well run.  Policies and procedures ensure compliance with the law and regulation.
You can find our main policies by clicking in the policy names below:

Safeguarding Policy for Adults

Safeguarding Policy for Children and Young People

Complaints Policy

Equal Opportunities and Anti Discrimination Policy

Privacy Statement

Fundraising Policy

Car Park Policy