Post-Surgery Bra Fitting Service

Did you know that 80% of women wear a poorly fitting bra?

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Post-Surgery Bra Fitting Service

We are pleased to offer a post-surgery bra fitting service by Nicola Jane at The Mulberry Centre every month.  Nicola Jane has a range of products available to purchase, however there is no obligation or expectation to buy any products at this bra fitting service.*
Nicola Jane  is an independent company that delivers wide range of breast surgery products to meet the needs of individual customers whatever their specific treatment plans, and to ensure that they receive exactly what they need in terms of shape, comfort, and support at every stage in the process to restore their natural confidence and sense of new normality.  Using their knowledge, experience, and expertise, Nicola Jane are known for helping women with specialist breast care needs at every stage of their treatment.
“We know that comfort, shape, and support are of the utmost importance to our customers after breast surgery. As well as being developed with these three factors in mind, our bras are also designed to cover scars, hide indentations, and avoid discomfort, regardless of whether you have had a mastectomy, lumpectomy or reconstruction.”  (Nicola Jane)

To book your 30 minute one-2-one Bra Fitting appointment click here and choose the Isleworth Fitting Clinic or contact The Mulberry Centre  on 0208 321 6300

*The Mulberry Centre receives no financial benefit for any products purchased.


Jan 29 2025


2:30 pm - 7:00 pm


The Mulberry Centre

Organised by

The Mulberry Centre
020 8321 6300

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